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Friday, December 09, 2005

Creative Launches Zen Vision:M

Creative Technology has introduced the Zen Vision: M, its premier 30 GB video player, photo viewer and MP3 player.

Designed with a 2.5-inch, high-resolution 262,144 color LCD screen, the Zen Vision: M displays digital video and photos, full-color menus and album art and will be available in high-gloss black, white, blue, green or pink this month for about US$330 at

"We designed the Zen Vision:M with its mesmerizing 262,144 color screen to display four times the color of the 30 GB iPod that plays video, and to provide twice the battery life for video playback. Plus, we offer people the freedom to choose their video in a variety of different formats, and to get subscription music or download tracks from a number of different sites to their player", said Sim Wong Hoo, chairman and CEO of Creative.

The Zen Vision:M can carry up to 15,000 songs, and supports music subscription services including Yahoo! Music Unlimited, Napster To Go and Rhapsody To Go. The Zen Vision:M also supports downloads from online music stores like Yahoo! Music, Napster, MSN Music and AOL Music Now.

The Zen Vision:M can deliver four hours of video playback and video format support includes MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and Simple Profile formats such as Xvid, WMV, and MJPEG for up to 120 hours of movies downloaded from the Internet. The Zen Vision:M also supports TiVoToGo for free viewing of TV shows recorded on a TiVo personal video recorder, digitized home movies transferred from the PC, and video blogs from companies such as RocketBoom. The rechargeable battery provides up to 15 hours of music playback.

The player displays full-color image output on any size TV screen through an optional composite video-out connector and users can watch slideshows set to music and select individual digital photos as display backgrounders.

Other features include FM radio and recording with 32 preset options, Intuitive Vertical Touch Pad and Tactile Buttons on the face of the player, Content password protection, Built-in Microphone, Selectable themes and an Organizer.



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