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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Skype Goes to Free in USA and Canada

Skype users who live in USA and Canada can now make free calls from personal computers that connected to internet to landline and wireless phones. Users outside of these two countries can still talk from computer-to-computer and must pay a fee of $ 0.023 (or something similar) to call landline phones. This shows that in the future we may just use our computers to comunucate, not any landline phones. Now skype has 40 million users and growing.

Official Press Release:

Skype, the global Internet communications company, announced that all US and Canadian-based Skype customers can now make free SkypeOut™ calls to traditional landline and mobile phones in the US and Canada. Previously, Skype users in both countries were required to pay for Skype calls from their PCs to traditional telephones. Free SkypeOut calls to the US or Canada will be available to US and Canadian-based Skype users until the end of the year.


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