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Friday, October 21, 2005

Japan creates the world's fastest electric sedan

A new version of the Eliica car was developed by researchers at Tokyo's Keio University in cooperation with a government science promotion body and private-sector companies such as Japan's top tyre maker Bridgestone.

The car boasts unprecedented acceleration, taking just 4.2 seconds to go from zero to 100 kilometres per hour and seven seconds to reach 160 kilometres per hour, according to developers.

The car's maximum speed is 370 kilometres per hour, the world's fastest for an electric sedan, excluding vehicles with aircraft-like wings or special racing models, they said.
It runs on lithium-ion batteries and costs one yen to travel one kilometre, they said at the Tokyo Motor Show, which opened for the press at a convention centre east of the capital this week.
The Eliica has already begun public road tests. The developers plan to produce the car in small numbers initially.



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